In-house and Outsourcing Management Options in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

In-house and Outsourcing Management Options in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

Asset management is a required, yet most cost-effective, level of service via the creation, acquisition, operation and maintenance, renewal and disposal of the appropriate assets, now and in the future. The life-cycle approach is central to asset management by taking account of the total cost of an asset throughout its life. A better service, not a better asset, is a key indication of successful asset management.

As time goes on government assets keep increasing. A need for concise, well-planned management strategies becomes priority number one. Clear understanding, reliable estimates, cost-efficiency and competent teams of stormwater professionals are some of the main points to be considered for a successful asset management strategy.

Operation and maintenance of WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting assets presents significant challenges within the industry. Recent innovative solutions developed to cope with these challenges have proved to be most effective yet, their implementation is rare due to lack of experience.

In-house Management Options in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

Image by tirachardz on Freepik

In-house Management in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

In-house management of WSUD or Stormwater Harvesting assets has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Sourcing professionals locally increases the ability to control and maintain the working process. This allows for better alignment with the company goals and objectives, as well as greater transparency. Additionally, an in-house team can develop a strong sense of company loyalty and familiarity, leading to a more cohesive and collaborative work environment and building relationships for future collaboration. However, one of the major drawbacks is higher costs and limited expertise. Certain jobs within the water infrastructure industry require the introduction of new technologies and methods (as briefly mentioned above). A skilled team familiar with these technologies may not be available locally and can be expensive to train.

Outsourcing Management Options in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

Outsourcing Management in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

Outsourcing WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting experts can provide access to a much greater diversity of expertise and cost efficiencies, making it an attractive option for many companies. However, outsourcing is harder to supervise and may lead to quality and security concerns. By outsourcing certain tasks or projects, companies can save money on wages and benefits and save further on other overhead costs associated with hiring in-house staff. However, one very important potential drawback of outsourcing that should be mentioned again and again is communication. Bad communication leads to poor quality control, delays and misunderstandings.

Hybrid Management Options in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting

Hybrid Management in WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting: Getting the Best of Both

Hybrid management combines in-house and outsourcing approaches and can maximize the benefits of both options while minimizing their drawbacks. In-house management of WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting assets provides greater control over the project and flexibility in customisation while outsourcing - significant cost savings. Companies can balance control and cost savings allowing them to maintain a level of control over essential tasks while outsourcing more routine tasks to save on costs. This approach can be especially beneficial for smaller WSUD and Stormwater Harvesting operators with limited resources and expertise. It is important to carefully consider the pluses and minuses of each option before making a decision:

  • Maintenance and other associated costs
  • Expertise and resources
  • Supervision
  • Transparency
  • Efficiency of operation
  • Risk management
  • OHS
  • Security
  • Diversity and inclusiveness
  • Social responsibility
  • Company values, goals and objectives
  • Environmental and legal requirements
  • Training requirements

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